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Klingon Hearts 11 Controlled - Limitations of the Mind Page 5

  "Tessa, there isn't a why. He's insane. He...."

  She jerked away from him violently and sat up, dragging the heavy dark hair off her face in an impatient gesture.

  "Don't you try to tell me that, Mike Burns! I know what's going on here. Maybe not everything, since you and Lucas don't seem to want to fill us in, but I'm not stupid. I know K'Leena didn't have Michael on purpose. I know Sherise didn't get pregnant because Robbie 'forgot' a booster. I know I sure as hell didn't get pregnant because you forgot. You were annoyingly diligent about that. Made me wonder sometimes why you thought it would be so bad to have a child with me--"

  "That wasn't why!" he interrupted her harshly, sitting up as well to face her, the sheet dropping to expose the wide expanse of his naked torso. "I didn't want to force you into anything. You weren't sure of your feelings. If I did 'forget' and you ended up pregnant before you'd admitted that you loved me, you would have been furious. It had nothing to do with not wanting a baby with you, Tessa."

  Her eyes narrowed at the impassioned statement. Damn, he was good. But not good enough. "Quit trying to change the subject. I know what you're up to here. You think if you side-track me long enough or get me angry enough I'll forget all about Gellis. Well, it's not going to work. I want you to promise me, Mike. You find him for me, do you understand?"

  Mike bit back a curse. "Revenge is a nasty thing, Tessa," he warned with a defeated sigh. "You don't want this. Trust me."

  He, of course, did. And he would have it. Soon. But, it wasn't going to touch her, not in his lifetime.

  "If you don't do it, Mike, I'll do it on my own," she threatened.

  "Over my dead body!"

  "Don't tempt me." She was incensed. "I'm not K'Leena and you're not Lucas so don't think for a second you can pull the 'protector' thing with me. I want Gellis to answer for this. Answer to me."

  "It was my child too, Tessa."

  "That's why we do this together or not at all. Got it?"

  "And if I say no?"


  Tension leapt like flames of an inferno between them as their gazes locked in silent battle. The soft knock at their bedroom door was like an explosion in the room, making them both jump. A moment later Lucas stuck his head in.

  "Get your ass out of bed, Commander," he whispered with a small smile. "We have work to do."

  Tessa's head whipped around to pin Lucas with a menacing glare. "I don't remember telling you to, 'Come in," she stated icily, an eyebrow raising high on her forehead.

  Lucas didn't even have the grace to look ashamed. He grinned wickedly at her. "Quit your sniveling, you're still in your jammies. It's not like the last time."

  She winced at the memory. The louse would have to remind her of that. Mike had moved with lightening speed to roll her under him and cover her when Lucas barged into their room that time, but she still remembered the mortification.

  "You have a sick sense of humor, Lucas Riker," she grumbled, then noticed Mike was barely repressing his laughter as he dressed. "You both do."

  Lucas chuckled softly as Mike and he headed down to Tom's office. He wasn't about to tell Tessa that he never actually 'looked' when he barged into their room, just as he knew Mike didn't when he did the same thing to him and K'Leena. Mike had confided in him just after he and K'Leena had hooked up that he was only still doing it because it made her so angry. K'Leena and Mike went out of their way to annoy each other sometimes. When Mike had found Tessa, Lucas continued the tradition. If he was completely honest with himself, at the beginning it was to convince himself that Tessa was all right. She was the closest thing he had to a little sister. It took him a while to accept that Mike's intentions were honorable. Lucas didn't like to think about that. It bothered him that he'd doubted his best friend. It was probably a good thing Michael was a boy, because if he and K'Leena ever had a daughter he would have had a really hard time accepting any man as her mate. Damn, he sounded like a Klingon.

  Lucas shook his head at the thought and made another circuit around the office as they waited for the Valiant to contact them.

  Michael Ryan Burns did not pace. To him, it was a wasted use of energy. In fact, Lucas tended to drive him a little insane when he would start with it. Waiting for information like this never sat will with his captain.

  Back and forth.

  Like a caged animal.

  "Lucas," he growled. "You're getting on my nerves."

  "Huh?" Lucas looked at his best friend, slightly dazed.

  "Sit down! Dammit!"

  "Oh," he grimaced in apology. "Sorry."

  Mike rested his elbows on the table and fisted his hands in his hair. Lucas flung his head back and groaned in frustration.

  "There has to be a way...."

  "Not if Tom and your Dad won't tell us what happened the first time," Mike said grimly. "Hell, it might be too late already. We could wake up tomorrow and it could over."

  "At least we'd never even know she'd existed, we'd remember nothing."

  Mike met Lucas' anguished look with one of fury. "Like you didn't remember?" he ground out.

  Lucas' head jerked back as if he'd been struck.

  "I won't even get a second chance with her, Lucas. She won't even be here."

  "I'm sorry," Lucas apologized, his heart aching. "That was cruel. Losing K'Leena was the hardest thing I've ever endured. I do know what you're going through, Mike."

  "Maybe, Lucas," Mike conceded. "But at least you knew she was alive. You could see her, touch her. You could fall in love with her all over again. I won't have that. She'll be taken from me as if she never existed."

  He paused to rub a tired hand over his face.

  "I love her, Lucas. I love everything about her. I love that fact that I can't talk to her in the morning until she's had two cups of coffee. I love that her feet get cold at night and she sleeps in my socks. I love that she's afraid of thunderstorms and makes love to me just so she doesn't have to listen to them. Hell, I even love that damn cat of hers. I can't do this, Lucas! I can't lose her!"

  The computer consol beeped, cutting off Mike's tirade.

  Lucas logged on angrily. "Riker," he snapped. "You better have good news Pren!"

  The Valliant's Chief Helmsman ignored his captain's bad mood, smiling broadly. "Yes, sir. It's done. You were right, by the way. We couldn't believe it ourselves. Talk about a breach of security...."

  "Damn," Mike shook his head in disbelief. He wasn't really surprised, but to have it confirmed was disconcerting.

  Lucas just nodded. "Wait to hear from me. I'll be in touch when it's time. Riker out."

  "So, we're going to do this, huh?" Burns asked.


  The air stood still for a moment at the gravity of what they had decided then Mike stood up quickly, almost knocking his chair over in the process.

  "Where are you going?" Lucas frowned.

  "To get Tessa. I'm going to ask Tom to marry us. Here. Tonight. If there's no tomorrow for us, I'm not going to waste another second."

  "Mike," Lucas stopped him. "Wait until morning. She's exhausted and in pain. A few hours won't matter. I'm pretty sure whatever it is we're going to do in the past, won't happen tonight."

  Mike stared at him for a long moment, then nodded his head. "Night, Lucas," he said quietly.

  "Goodnight, Mike."


  Melanie found herself wandering around the lowest level of the estate, where the gym, swimming pool and recreation holosuite were. Only Tom Paris would have a holosuite installed in his home. She shook her head with a chuckle. Most people didn't realize that Admiral Thomas Eugene Paris designed holo programs in his "spare" time. His "Captain Proton" series was wildly popular. So were his children's stories, "The Delta Quadrant Adventures."

  She was still smiling when she entered the semi-dark pool area. It only took a micro-second to debate whether or not skinny-dipping was a good idea before she slipped off her nightgown and robe and dove head first into the
warm water.

  When she surfaced, Kyle was standing at the pool edge, dressed in just his pajama bottoms, watching her.

  "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to swim alone?" he asked.

  Melanie shot him a withering look. "Turn around!" she demanded, crossing her arms in front of her breasts.

  "I wouldn't be a very good life-guard if I couldn't see you."

  "I don't need a life-guard. Get out of here Kyle." Melanie shrunk back into the far corner of the pool.

  "Sorry, I just don't think I should do that," he mussed. "But," Melanie's eyes rounded as his hands went to the drawstring at his waist, loosening it as he spoke with a dangerous lilt to his voice. "I could join you if you're uncomfortable with me watching."

  She just managed to unglue her gaze and turn away before plaid flannel dropped to the tile floor. A second later a small splash announced his presence in the water with her. She shivered. Her hands gripped the edge of the pool, but before she could haul herself out of the water, he was behind her. Hot and hard. He moved closer, pressing himself against her. Her eyes closed at the feel of his naked skin touching hers. He was aroused and he didn't care if she knew it. He wanted her to know it.

  Melanie gasped softly when his arms came around her waist, pulling tight against him. The water felt cool compared to the heat radiating from his body. A moment later, she felt teeth grazing lightly over the sensitive skin of her neck. A tiny fissure of fear shot through her, but it was overwhelmed by eroticism of his mouth fastening on her skin and sucking. She arched in his arms.

  One hand moved up to cup her breast, his fingers brushing over the pearled tip in light, barely there strokes. His other hand, dropped to her belly, pressing her back more firmly so that his arousal was nestled in the small of her back.

  Melanie's head lolled back on his shoulder. "Kyle," she cried brokenly.

  The hand on her belly traveled lower. And lower. His lips captured the lobe of her ear. She shuddered with pleasure. Then, his fingers delved deeper. Parting her, stroking her, teasing the tiny bundle of nerves he found until she couldn't even stand up anymore. He supported her weight easily with the water's buoyancy, extending the play, all the while whispering words of encouragement.

  "That's it, love. Come for me."

  And she was close. So very close. Melanie arched again with another small cry. The tiny sounds of passion coming from her were driving him insane with want.

  In the next instant she was turned in his embrace and pushed up against the cold tile of the pool wall, his body trapping hers.

  She looked up at him, wondering just how far she could take this. If maybe this time she could do it.

  His hands slipped lower, caressing her bottom and the sensitive backs of her thighs. Slowly, so slowly, his head dipped until his lips touched hers. His strong hands cupped her bottom. He groaned and ground his hips into hers. She moaned slightly at the intimate contact. She could feel him throbbing against her. The kiss deepened. Tongues tangled and Melanie's arms crept around his neck to pull him closer. She felt him smile into the kiss.

  Abruptly, he lifted her up, parting her thighs so he could step between them.

  Then, he was pressing against her. Into her.

  She froze, fear coming down on her out of nowhere, choking her in the process. Kyle groaned when she squirmed to escape. His mouth came crashing down on hers, mistaking her movements for demand.

  NO! her mind screamed.

  Then, as suddenly as she was trapped, she was free.

  Kyle stared at her in horror, soundly cursing his own stupidity. What the hell was he thinking?! He never even asked! He deserved to be flayed alive for letting his body overrule his head. He was better than that.

  Or so he'd thought. Damn! He was no better than the man who'd hurt her. The thought doused any remaining desire he had. Not that there'd been much left after hearing her scream, "No!"

  Melanie watched him with trepidation, her hand pressed over her mouth, huddling in the corner of the pool, shaking.

  "I'm sorr...," she began.

  Kyle shook his head once, water spraying from the wet strands of hair that he flung back in frustration. "Don't you dare apologize!"

  Her eyes were wide with fear and Kyle swore again. He took another step back and turned around. She watched the tension play across his back with morbid fascination.

  "Get out of here, Melanie," he growled. "While you still can."

  His chest constricted painfully as he listened to her scramble out of the pool. She barely took time to snatch up her nightgown before running from the room.


  Mike came out of the bathroom attached to his and Tessa's room with a towel wrapped around his lean hips, vigorously rubbing his hair dry with another one.

  She was sitting at the small vanity, already dressed in casual soft blue tunic and matching drawstring pants. The loose flowing style of the outfit clung to her every curve. His heart skipped a beat at the sight. He wondered if he would even lose that feeling of awe when he looked at her. That sudden surge of love and possessiveness that gripped his insides every single time he saw her. Somehow, he doubted it.

  She caught his gaze in the mirror and smiled slightly, her eyes roaming over his barely clad form in appreciation, coming to rest on the towel covered section of his anatomy. Her tongue darted out, wetting her lips.

  Mike groaned. "Quit it," he growled, feeling himself respond shamelessly to her teasing. "I can't make love to you for at least two weeks and you know it."

  He could have shot himself for reminding her of their recent loss when pain flared in her eyes. She dropped her gaze to the dresser, and sorted through the hair bands, in a pretense of picking one as she tried desperately to get control of her emotions again. She'd cried enough.

  "Marry me, Tessa," Mike stopped her suddenly.

  "What?" she rounded on him, completely shocked.

  "Now," he insisted. "This morning."

  "Why?" Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. He was up to something. She knew him too damn well not to see it. "What's the rush?"

  "I just want to get married. I don't see the point in waiting." All innocence and sincerity. She didn't buy it for a second.

  "Uh huh."

  Mike groaned silently as she stood and crossed her arms in front of herself, taking a defiant stand.

  "I don't think so," she drawled, toe tapping on the plush carpet. "I want a big wedding. Long white dress. All of it."

  She didn't, of course. It didn't matter to her how they were married. She loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life as his wife, but she wasn't going to let him get away with this manipulation.

  "The whole family is here," he insisted. "You could wear the dress K'Leena wore to her reception. I know she keeps it here."

  Tessa's lips twitched. Only a man could be that dense. Not only was she at least four inches taller than K'Leena, she probably weighed a good ten kilos more. Although Tessa was very fit, she certainly didn't have the thin athletic form of her friend.

  "Mike, I couldn't even fit into K'Leena's shoes. Now, what the hell is going on?"

  "Nothing, I just want to get married."

  "Okay," she nodded, taking her seat at the vanity again to finish brushing her hair. "Then we'll wait until we can do it right."

  "No, I don't want to wait."

  "Then I think," she looked at him through the mirror determinedly. "You'd better tell me just what has put this bee in your bonnet."

  Mike sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. "Can't you just accept that it's important to me and I don't want to wait?"

  Tessa wavered at the emotional plea. It was important to him, she could see that. "Why?" she asked again, softly.

  "Because we don't know what tomorrow will bring, okay?" He surged to his feet, dragging a hand through his still damp hair. "Gellis wants to hurt you. Possibly kill you. I want to marry you now, before anything else has a chance to happen."

  Tessa nodded. "Okay, I'll marry you on one


  "That before we go to bed tonight, you tell me everything. You don't have to do it now, but I won't sleep with you again until you do. Understand?"

  Mike grimaced. "Yeah, I understand," he conceded with a reluctant shake of his head. She'd outmaneuvered him. And he never saw it coming. He was losing his touch.

  Tessa went back to styling her hair, a triumphant smirk hovering at the corners of her mouth.


  They were married in the gardens with their family surrounding them. Tessa wore a simple white satin sheath she'd replicated, determined to concede at least that much to tradition, regardless of their circumstances. For her hair, K'Leena lent her the strand of Betazoid crystals she'd worn to her own wedding.